Happy Labor Day!

To celebrate, I took a solid three hour nap. If you don’t already know, I’m like REALLY good at napping. Seriously.. I pride myself on it. For example, I spent all day Sunday on the beach in Lake Geneva with Matt’s (my boyfriend) family. I got in the water, shivered the entire eight minutes, and decided to get out and do a little sun-bathing instead. Sun-bathing turned to napping, and that was that. I felt a little bad, but I was up until 4am the night before helping my long-time friend, Paige, celebrate her last fling before the ring! That’s an acceptable excuse, right? Here she is looking fabulous!


I can’t wait to see her in three weeks on her big day! The first of my close friends getting married – both so exciting and so so terrifying! EEK!

Well, it’s officially no longer Labor Day, so I suppose I should get a little work done. I had a wonderful long weekend with some very special people, but it’s back to the daily grind first thing in the morning!

Since it’s a shortened week, I challenge you to a daily workout on each of the four days. Now, go out there and challenge yourself. Let’s see what we can do!

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